How did stethoscope invented? And how it works - Ekantipurr

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Monday, July 1, 2019

How did stethoscope invented? And how it works

How did stethoscope invent? And how it works.

The doctors use Stescope when examining the patient.  Use of stethoscope is used to distinguish patients' illness, especially in heart failure to detect the sound from the lungs.  Generally: By analyzing the heartbeat and the fat from the fox, the doctor can easily tell some person's special type of disease and its condition.  But do you know - How did Stescope invented?  Let us know about this.

 It is heartfelt to take blood throughout our body.  For the same work, our heart is constantly screaming.  Hearting is meant to pump blood in the heart and perform it in the body.  Our heart stops more than one lakh times a day.  In this heart, the heart pumps more than seven thousand litres of blood.  In this case, our heart gets hurt.

 Heart rate can also be examined normally.  The heart side of the body can be detected by heart chest, hand groove, or side of the neck, and heartbeat can be detected.  But the heart is not always getting hurt without anxiety.  The physical hard work is stunned at times or during such a particular time, the speed of heart disease is below.  At once, the speed of heart failure cannot be counted correctly.  Sometimes, especially when it is especially ill, it is not possible.  Such a circumstantial heart attack requires special equipment to hear clearly.  That device is Stescope.

Before the discovery of stethoscope, doctors used to examine their ear in the nerve shadow of the patient to listen to the heart rate of the patient.  This work was just as easy as possible in men and there was not even a problem.  But in this way, it was difficult to examine female rugs.  As a result, in cases of female patients, the doctor had to work in some cases, without concrete testing.

 How to get rid of this situation?  This is about to be considered in the form of a question - discover the stethoscope.  In 1810, French physician Renenyphil Hiisanthe Lankak had invented this unusual tool.

 Of course, one day one heart patient Mahala Da.  Lincoln has to be treated.  For proper treatment, it was important to know the speed of women's heart rate.  But how to know that?  Dr.  Lankan suffered a great religion.  During his quest, he thought of a unique solution.
He took the one-foot long cylindrical box and made a small hole in its foot.  This was a refined form of paper stethoscope.  It could be more clearly diagnosed with heart rate and fat produced by heart pressure.

 Dr., made excited by this experiment.  Lincoln used the piece of paper as a stethoscope.  Along with that, he went to improve it.  In this case, he took a cubic long cylindrical box and made a small hole in its foot.  This was a refined form of a paper stethoscope.  It could be more clearly diagnosed with heart rate and fat produced by heart pressure.

 Dr.Lenak used this tool and method in examining many patients.  After three years of hard work and experiment, he published the book's, El Assetment' in 1819 by combining his experiment conclusions and experiences.  Her book of this book spelt a lot of medical science.  Other doctors also started using this tool method to check for a worm.  Due to its utility, Stescope became very popular.  As a result, its appearance also improved and improved.

 Use stethoscope used today.  Lincoln is an improved form of the stethoscope.  The credit for this is to go to American physiologist George Phillip Bermanman.

 Stescope mainly consists of two segments.  A section is placed in the patient's bed, which is called Cheptaspus.  Therefore, the heartbeat the heart and receives the sound of the fox.  The sound accumulated by the thystaspis reaches the earpiece of the ear from the two oily flexible tubes of the plastic attached to it.  Since the earpiece is inserted by the doctor to the ear, the doctor may hear the heartbeat and the sound of the fox with clear sound, and the external sound cannot be obstructed.

During the test, the doctor will keep the chapters in various parts of the patient's chest, and in the process of breathing of the heart, the sound of fatigue in the process of breathing.  In the case of symptoms such as the sound of sound and speed of heart beat during the test, the doctor also determines the type of disease that the person concerned about.

 He left a long piece of paper and placed a portion of the patient's left-handed lady, and the other part was in his ears.  The result is a delightful and wonderful exit!  Because of this, the heartache of the woman was heard clearly!

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